Where to Buy Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags

If you use biodegradable poop bags , you need to read this. There are two things every dog owner should be aware of when shopping for biodegradable poop bags, the first being their price: They tend to be far more expensive than the plastic variety. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, is that not all poop bags advertised as "biodegradable" are. Many are actually oxo-biodegradable, which basically means they're made out of a plastic mixed with additives called degradant catalysts — usually metal salts — that help them break down into teensy microplastics. They'll never decompose completely, just get smaller and smaller until they're invisible to the naked eye. So where can I buy biodegradable poop bags? Sealong is a Biodegradable product manufacturer, factory and support OEM, ODM, size, logo, color customization. One set of terms always seems to crop up when it comes to searching for green products: compostable and biodegradable. Many people assume that these...